Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Something for a new set of numbers

It's 2014.
I wrote about writing regularly twelve months ago, but nothing became of that.
That is why I don't believe in New Year resolutions; when they aren't met, you can feel like a miserably underachieved failure.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't set goals. We should. And we should try our best to achieve them. We should use all those great inspirational words to help us along:

Go forth,

But we don't have to mark it down as something we do when a new year comes along. Start today if you can, even if today is half way through an apparently fruitless year. Every day is new, every moment is packed with potential, as they say.

But remember to be kind to yourself when you let yourself down. Give yourself a hug, not a slap. Pick yourself up with love and move on, don't look at that grid of numbers on the wall,  yes that one, the one you hang on your wall every year  to represent the days of your life. You are greater than the sum of your days, even the  dullest, emptiest days of all. It has taken me so many years to discover this simple fact.
 So today I will be kind to myself. I will give myself a hug and know that I am exactly where I ought to be at this point in time.  However much that may or may not satisfy me is unimportant.  What is important is that I am here, and that I have been, and always will be, the best version of myself, for that particular moment. Even my darkest moments are exactly what I needed for me to see and love and appreciate, the light that followed.

There's my thought for a budding 2014, for a set of numbers that will never come again.
And about the writing: I will write, as I can, when I can.
And I won't slap myself when I don't.  Maybe that way I will write more.

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